so you have come back to london 意味

  • それでロンドンに戻ってきたんだね


        if you will have it so:    ぜひにと言うなら
        if you have already done so:    すでにそうなさっておられるのなら
        have images come back to:    イメージが(人)(の脳裏{のうり})によみがえる[再現{さいげん}される]
        finally have come back together:    ついに再結成{さい けっせい}した
        come as you are:    普段着でどうぞ、平服でいらしてください
        could you be so kind as to:    すみませんが~していただけませんか?
        even if you say so:    そんなこと言ったって
        i told you so:     I tóld you so! ?=What did I TELL you!
        if you fail to do so:    もしそうしない場合{ばあい}には
        if you say so:     If you sáy só. (もし君がそう言うなら)そうだろうよ《◆「自分はそう思わないが」という含み》.
        if you so instruct us:    そのようにご指示いただければ
        if you think so:    そうお考えならば
        just so that you know:    一言申し上げておきますが、だから何だという訳ではないが
        just so you know:    一言申し上げておきますが、だから何だという訳ではないが
        so help you god?:    そのことを神に誓いますか? You do solemnly swear that the testimony you may give in the cause now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? あなたは、あ


  1. "so what if" 意味
  2. "so willing to suffer so much to get to the top" 意味
  3. "so worded, the sentence takes on a rhetorical flavor" 意味
  4. "so you believe in ghosts" 意味
  5. "so you failed the college entrance exam. you've plenty of company" 意味
  6. "so's" 意味
  7. "so's to do" 意味
  8. "so, are you basically a pessimist about life" 意味
  9. "so, in little, we see the birth of a new capitalism" 意味
  10. "so you believe in ghosts" 意味
  11. "so you failed the college entrance exam. you've plenty of company" 意味
  12. "so's" 意味
  13. "so's to do" 意味

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